Sunday, July 12, 2009

Fun Monday - Lazy Hazy Days of Summer

School often gets in the way of fun, and I can't recall the last time I was able to participate in a Fun Monday. I just couldn't resist trying to join in the fun once again, and our hostess Jan has come up with a topic that doesn't require research and has easy to follow instructions (see comment on school above to understand why this is important to me). Her instructions to us:

Since the Lazy Hazy Days of summer are upon us now, tell us what activities you enjoy doing outside and how do you stay cool. Share some photos of both if you wish.

When we bought our house, it came with a pool. I have to admit that having an outdoor pool in Northern New England is kind of like having an outdoor ice skating rink in the Mid-South; there are years where it just doesn't get a lot of use. Like 2009. However, today the temp did hit 80, it hasn't rained (yet) and our pool is above 75 degrees, so things are looking up.

When we first saw our house, the first words out of my mouth were "gee, this looks like a great party house." So we like to have friends over in the summer to enjoy the pool and our toys.

It's hard to tell from the photo, but Diva's swing set is about 10 feet tall, and will easily accommodate two average sized adults along with a boatload of kids. I still love to swing! In the background is the famous treehouse, and one of our horseshoe pits. We also have a tetherball set up and a basketball goal. When company comes we add badminton and croquet, and sometimes volleyball to the mix. And of course we eat and drink around the patio table:

Finally, my new outdoor activity (other than drying the laundry on a clothesline to save energy, and I'm not showing you a picture of that) is attempting to do a little gardening.

Don't laugh at my puny lettuce and spinach! Remember, the growing season here is short; and this year promises to be shorter than usual.

So I hope you've enjoyed a glimpse into the life of my family in NH - now click on over and see what the other Fun Monday folks do to stay cool!


Mariposa said...

I love to go hang out with you there! I still enjoy the swing...and I love tree houses!

Jan n Jer said...

It sounds like you really enjoy your home n yard. Outdoor recreational living in the summer. Your garden looks like its doing well. Thanks for playing FM

Hula Girl at Heart said...

I love to swing, too. Right up their with coloring and playing hide and seek. What a great place you have for entertaining!

Living Life said...

Well, when's the party? Looks like you know how to have a great time with friends and family!! Your yard is very well manicured.

Faye said...

Ah! Line dried sheets--what a wonderful smell from childhood. And why can't you show us you clotheslines? My mother taught me the etiquette of drying clothes on an outside line. All the "personals" had to be hung on the middle line to hide them from public view!:-)

Your yard seems a perfect summer escape. Love all the mature trees and shrubs around the yard. And good luck with the gardening. Smart to plant in that raised bed--plus, makes weeding easier on the back.

Gattina said...

Some of my neighbors also have a pool, but unfortunately it's more for decoration as for swimming, unless it is heated and that costs a fortune !

ChrisB said...

Definitely looks a great garden for a party. Like you we are trying our hand at growing a few veggies this year. It is fun and even being able to harvest just a small amount is very satisfying.